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Sprocket Hole Script

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This script simulates complete exposed 35mm film strips with frame numbers, lettering, overexposed sprocketholes and DX film edge barcodes.
Copy it into the scripts folder from GIMP, you will find it then under Filters -> Decor -> Photo with Sprocketholes.
DX1 and DX2 numbers can be encrypted here:
Here is another example:


Update1: Optional sprocket hole shade thanks to Frank Ludwig.
Update2: New menu entry from Debian. Now under Filters -> Decor.

For all scripts together, go here:

Code License: 
Scripting Engine: 
GIMP Version: 


Good day.
I'm using GIMP 2.3 on FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE #0. I tried the script but I get the error:
- ERROR: unbound variable (errobj odd?)
Any ideas?

Notice that this script has been tested for GIMP 2.4 and above? You need to upgrade your GIMP.

something happened and most of my scripts wont work anymore

Do you get any warnings or error prompts?

hm yes, but i think the problem has gotten greater now since the gimp folder in usr/shares/2.0 has been lost, i have someone whos promised me to send a backup of his directory, so i hope things work out after then, but right now the messages im getting from sprocketholes plugin are:

Error while executing elsamuko-sprocketholes:

Error: eval: unbound variable: while

Plug-In 'Photo with Sprocketholes' left image undo in inconsistent state, closing open undo groups.

I don't think so. "while" is standart cycle operator in Script-Fu. This operator shouldn't return such error. Perhabs some file in your installation of GIMP damaged. This script work perfectly on GIMP 2.6.8.

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