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SpriteSheet from Layer Groups

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1) To install, copy SpriteSheetGroups.scm to {GIMP-HOME}\share\gimp\2.0\scripts\SpriteSheetGroups.scm
2) Either close Gimp and re-open, or simply select menu: Filters > Script-Fu > Refresh Scripts
3) Load your images via File > Open as layers (select all the images you want to in the spritesheet)
4) Run menu option Filters > Sprite-Sheet > Create From Layer Groups...

Each group should have layers for that particular animation. The plugin will output each animation on a row from left to right.

Example Of a layer tree

   | - Frame 3
   | - Frame 2
   -- Frame 1
   | - Frame 3
   | - Frame 2
   -- Frame 1

output will look like:

Run Frame 1     Run Frame 2      Run Frame 3
Jump Frame 1   Jump Frame 2    Jump Frame 3

Thanks to Brian Schultheiss Which this script is modified from ( )

SpriteSheetGroups Script1.92 KB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 
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