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True PseudoGray

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patdavid-pseudogrey.scm2.23 KB

A script-fu implementation of the Pseudogrey encoding as presented originally by Rich Franzen, and brought to my attention by user lylejk in this thread.

I've written up a blog post as well detailing the method and how it's derived.

I've also written up an entirely local, in-browser javascript implementation. You can find it here to try out.

This script will encode your image to a pseudo-grayscale image containing up to 1786 levels of gray information as opposed to a maximum of 256 for any desaturation operation.

You should find the command Pseudogrey under your Colors menu.

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


I've updated the script to change the gradient layer to 2048x40, and a diagonal gradient.

Thanks again Pat. :)

Definitely cool to have this automated. Again, thanks Pat. :)

I agree with you , you are right 100 %

Adam smith ,

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