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Selective Color Blurring

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The plugin selectively blurs the color information (both hue and saturation) in image. There are two basic scenarios / reasons to use this: When saturating poorly saturated images (to prevent artifacts in color) and cartoonizing images. The plugin blurs selectively, and can even "sharpen" transitions between two colors.

The plugin have thee basic outputs - blur the color on place/image, cartoon mode and creation of lines.

Additional features is saturation (three levels available) and so named forced blurring, this in fact under some conditions ignore tresholds given by an user.


See for more info & examples

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Not sure if this has been compiled for 32 bit since the update.
The new version can be found here. :)

SamJ i wasn't sure if you had made them for Gimp-2.7.4 versions yet so i went ahead and compiled it. :)

If I bym dust such power - gold for You.
Your input is prominent.
Thank You for longer - and the next ....

Thanks for compiling this cool plugin for me samj. I usually use a different technique to vivify my captures, but I can get use to using this plugin instead (set mask result to grain merge; some cleanup to follow). :)

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It compiled fine for you?


@ wacmaster
Thank you.
I had no problem to compile this plugin.
Gimptool works well with my 32-bit environment without changing the sources.

Hi i am trying to compile this plugin for Windows 32 bit.
My problem is this error

I added this to colorblur.c
At about line #46

#define libintl_printf printf

Still no joy.

Any idea what causes this error?


to believe msys is calling too many episodes of libintl-8.dll.So therefor it doesn't use any of them and calls the error.
I checked the dll with an export viewer and the command is there so the dll is okay.

I tried commenting out the lines and still get the error.



I'm not familiar with compiling on windows, but I might say that none of printf in code is critical, I use it for myself during development. So in theory you could comment out all printfs, but I would say there must be more elegant and simplier solution. Perhaps somebody will know..

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