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Comic strip

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comicstrip.scm1.79 KB
beforeNAfter.png341.8 KB

This script-fu script is a deeply modified version of the comic-book1 script by barky. While that script works well for web resolution images, higher res images need a larger cell size to keep the correct look and feel.
The plugin-interactions have been left in a active state to allow the user to fine tune the effect based on resolution.
This script uses the following default plugins:
unsharp mask

17, June 2010 -- Script repaired to remove fixed image id.

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


Excellent. Just downloaded this one. I actually like it better then the Lichtenstein Script-fu (since you added the interaction step allowing for better quality newsprint distortion). I know posterize colors is not the best, but I can work with that. Thanks for sharing. :)

>> I know posterize colors is not the best, but I can work with that.
What other option would you prefer? I would be willing to try out your suggestions and mod the script if the results are improved.

On the initial (first) use, it works just fine. Then when I saved and closed the first rendering and opened a second image to run the script on, this occurred:


Yea, got that one too. I fixed it by editing the .scm file in a text editor:

(plug-in-unsharp-mask 0 1 layer-temp1 4 10 0)


(plug-in-unsharp-mask 0 0 layer-temp1 4 10 0)

That seems to sort it out for me.

PowerPC G4
Mac OSX 10.4.11

The script uses a fixed value for the image id? This can't work...

Sorry, I am new to scripting. The recommended fix was applied and updated.

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