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Straighten & Crop by Bert Hinz

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This plugin is by Bert Hinz. As his web site seems to be down, I'm archiving it here. It says it's "free software" (looks like part of the GPL Licence) so I'm assuming this is OK. Description from the script:

# ==============================================================================
# V1 - (c) Bert Hinz 2008
# ==============================================================================
# Straightens the image vertically or horizontically and crops with minimal loss
# of image area.
# ==============================================================================
# Use the path tool of the GIMP to position two points on a line or edge of an
# object you want straighten vertically or horizontally:
# Press "B" to activate the path tool. Then put the points by single left-clicks
# without holding the mouse key while moving the mouse. Finally run
# /Image/Transform/Straighten & Crop.
# Press "Ctrl & Z" to undo the crop if required.
# Menu location on systems with German local settings:
# /Bild/Transformation/Straighten & Crop

StraightenCrop.py4.84 KB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


Gracias. Gran ahorro de tiempo y trabajo.

Thank you for posting the script! :-)
My web site is online again:

Take care here when posting links in comments to specify more ( t.e. that are gimp or anyway graphic related)

I know that is your repository of gimp python script...but sometime we may get frantic by deleting spam
..and then mistakes may happens triggered by apparently unrelated links

BTW thank for the scripts

My post was a direct reply to kiwibird's remark concerning the script's download site ("his website seems to be down") so I thought the context was clear. Nevertheless thank you for your note. I will bare in mind.

You are right in the context that was crystal clear
BUT i feared that could be missed when quickly checking for spam:
not that you was not right but would be not nice be right but reported to Mollum , even if by mistake

right click on the link and select save target as... thats what i do

- "Give me a blaster, i'll give you the world." Gen. Shingar

Thanks, nice plugin. If you install the plugin don't forget to make executable.

I get an html page instead of the python file when I try to download the script. The downloaded file is named, but it is an html warning message telling:
An Error Has Occurred!You are not allowed to access this section
I could find the file there:;topic=223.0;attac...

Thanks for reporting, should be fixed now (I hope).

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