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Split Studio 3

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Split Studio - is a powerful script for tone image's areas (light/dark) into two different colors (split).

Current version: v3.0r5 (June 19th 2012);
Legacy version: v3.0r3 (For GIMP 2.6 users);

Status: supporting


  • Spliting edge control (offset and sharpness)
  • Tone opacity control
  • Source image preserve
  • Merge output into one layer (by default)
  • Affect on contrast (optional)
  • Work with visible support
  • Source mask defining
  • Sublayer desaturation

Revision #5: Now it is Split Studio v3.0r5

Now Split Studio has native GIMP 2.8 version.

Split Studio still supporting...

Note: files with "rus" postfix is a russian localisation.

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


With GIMP 2.8 native support. Legacy version also available.

I have installed this with Gimp 2.6.12 along with GAL and I can see the RSS path, but then, under RSS I only see, "About Gal", not this plug in. Any ideas what I've done wrong? (It is installed in the script folder on my Mac)

Split Studio is the best image editor out there so far. I'm using it for my projects which involves image editing.

This is very interesting script, I like its results...

Now it's running on GIMP 2.7.2!

Will there be a german localisation available?

I'm afraid not. I don't know German language. Sorry.

Name conflict has been solved. Enjoy!
P.S. Default menu path to Split Studio 3 now: "/Filters/RSS/Split Studio 3"

SpliX is the name for SPL driver for UNIX -
Name conflict

I already know that. I will change the name of script with next revision.
Any ideas for new name of this script will be appreciated.


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