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Colour-match Win32 binary

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Windows binary for this new plugin by Arel Welgan.

Source has been fixed for Windows compilation by Samj. Plugin no longer crashes under Windows.

Please note that all comments below, prior to Nov 28 2009 are related to another build not to this
that seems working well with RGB and RGBA images

Extract colour-match.exe from the ZIP archive and copy it to your c:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\.gimp-2.6\plug-ins\

(As Windows compilation by Samj was perfect, I kept it in the archive. Mine was several bytes larger...)

colour-match_Win32_fixed.zip9.09 KB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


It's doing the same thing Rob's binary was doing.


I did get this one to work once, which was quite a surprise, I never got Rob's to work at all.

Tested in Vista 64, same result. I haven't installed Win 7 yet. Anyone else out there have Win 7 to test it with?

i may try in a short time
at this moment i have 2 slightly different gimp installed on XP
(the portable and Gimppainter ) i 'm curious to see if will work in at least one of the 2

Yes. Same problem under XP. It worked perfectly when I first tried it, exacly like the Linux version, then, just after I posted it :(( it began to crash. Crash happens when you apply the changes. Seems to be the same problem as with Rob's binary.
I think it is not connected to a Windows version, for I'm using XP.
It may be a Gimp version issue. Errors seem to be connected with libpango. If someone can try it with Gimp 2.7...
I'll try to update my Gimp sources too.

I tried against a self compiled version 2.7 on windows with no luck. Same error.

-Rob A>

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