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Texture Generator (for 3d artist - I hope!)

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gimp_texture_generator_1_0.py42.6 KB
gimp_texture_generator_1_1.py42.79 KB

The purpose of this script is to create textures for floors or walls without having a repetition, sometimes annoying.
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Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


Does this work with Gimp 2.6.10? because it won't install?
I installed it in C:\Document and Settings\\.gimp-\plug-ins\
and there is NO option for File->Texture?

Yes it works with Gimp 2.6.10 (File->(Save section) Texture Generator).

It still isn't working. I went to my Preferences ->File Folders -> Plugins to verify that it was the correct folder I placed the .py in and it was correct but there is no option appearing under File->Texture Generator still? oh well.

I got it to work! When I tried re-installing Gimp, I noticed there was no "python extensions"
that was part of the included installation. So I read that you need the three GTK+ programs installed into Python before Gimp can recognized the .py extensions. So I installed them and now it works! Thanks.

Where does this plugin reside on the menu? I have installed it, but can't seem to find it.

It's under "File"-->"Texture Generator"

if it worked, it would be great!

think that works on Mac OSX?

I can't test on Mac OSX but I hope that it work.

where i must copy this file for charge it?

Move to your .gimp-2.6/plug-ins folder


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