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Edit Brush.

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EN: Script in Python, this script allows you to generate, delete, duplicate and EDIT brushes generated from images or of other brush.
ES: Script en Python, el mismo permite generar, borrar, renombrar, duplicar y EDITAR pinceles generados a partir de imágenes o de otro pincel. Más info.

little video in youtube.

EDIT BRUSH v2.1 (Tar.bz2)
EDIT BRUSH v2.1 (Zip)

Code License: 
Scripting Engine: 


Can I change color only for grayscaled brushes?

I'm not oppen:

Your hava a specific plug in?

If possibile reply for


Henrique Trindade

GIMP does not run videos, try CinePaint it might work(I honestly haven't even used it, just mentioning it). -- Some GIMP Tutorials | The GIMP Compilation will help you to adapt faster!
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