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Shape Paths

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This is a collection of Script-Fus that create Paths in the form of geometric shapes. Squares, rectangles, rounded rectangles, circles, ellipses, ovals, polygons, stars, flowers, gears, triangle waves, square waves, and sine waves are currently supported.

Version 0.91 is updated for GIMP 2.4.x! It now supports automatic stroking and filling!

How to install:

  1. Right-click on the link below that says "shape-path-0.91.scm". A pop-up menu should appear. Click "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..." or whatever the equivalent option in your browser is.
  2. Save the file "shape-path-0.91.scm" in your scripts folder. If you're not sure where your scripts folder is, you can check by opening GIMP and going to <Toolbox>/File/Preferences -> Folders -> Scripts. If more than one folder is shown, then any one of them will work.
  3. Once you have saved the file in your scripts folder, if you are already running GIMP, either click <Toolbox>/Xtns/Script-Fu/Refresh Scripts, or just close and reopen GIMP.
  4. If you have done this correctly, the scripts will appear in the menu under <Image>/Script-Fu/Shape Paths. If this menu is not there, try clicking <Toolbox>/Xtns/Script-Fu/Refresh Scripts. If it's still not there, make sure the file is in your scripts folder and that the filename ends with ".scm", not ".txt" or ".scm.txt" or something.
shape-path-0.91.scm38.19 KB
shape-path-0.7.scm48.29 KB
Code License: 
Scripting Engine: 


This script is a great help. Thanks for registering and making it available to the rest of us.

I'm running Gimp2.8 on Windows7 and I'd like to use shape-path (or some other script) to create Powerpoint like scaleable basic shapes. I cant find the script file folder mentioned for shape-path-0.91 either from within Gimp 2.8 or with the program files. I see that shape-path-0.91 is intended for use with Gimp 2.4, not sure if that makes a huge difference, or if the processing of scripts under Gimp 2.8 has changed to a great extent. Grateful for any help......

Didn't try on 2.8 but work on 2.7 which is a pre-release of 2.8.

Not much of a Windows user right now but it should go in "c:\users\{your_id}\.gimp-2.8\scripts" and if it is OK then you should find new submenu entry in "Filters/Render/Shape paths..." that leads to menu entries for each shape.

Hello people,

I'm using Ubuntu Linux with included Gimp, I have some knowledge about saving a file and putting it into required directory :) however, I have next to no experience with Gimp. I have correctly *installed* the plugin, but how do I USE it? Let's say I have just a blank new image and want to create a red ellipse. I selected Script-Fu > Shape Paths > Ellipse, changed the stroke color to red, ticked "stroke path", clicked OK. But all that appears is a small red dot in the upper left-hand corner! I tried clicking it with Path tool and moving it, but nothing happens. :( Do I have to draw something with Path tool first, and then use Shape Path? I have absolutely no idea how to make something useful with it and there's no help on it. Please, can someone give me a small hand-holding tutorial? THX for any assistance.


Have a little trouble using the script. Seems to work fine... BUT it does'nt allow me to choose any values for the shapes, and therefore I can't make any! What to do? Here's a screen dump:


Which one did you install? When I first started using GIMP, I inadvertently added both scripts to my scripts folder and it resulted in what you are experiencing now. Use only the highest version (.91). Remove the older script from your folder.



I can't get it to work. It just gives me a white rectangle. Susana


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