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how do I install ghostcript on win 8 64 bit?????

Can somebody help me!
I have tried everything and cannot make gimp run a eps file...
This is a windows 8 64 bit machine.
A message shows saying to make sure I installed ghostscript but I downloaded three times I tried all different ways but cannot install it
Please tell me what can I do?

What do you mean by

you can't install it? is there an error that it can not be installed?Does it run through the installer process but will not open?
Most of the time the error with GS not running is the PATH value.Ghost Script normally adds a PATH variable value on install.Check your environment variables and look for PATH then select edit and look at the path line to see if the path to the gs directory is there.Chances are the computer system can not find the gswin64 or gswin32 executable.The path should be something like this. (Yours may be different according to the install path for your version of the ghost script program.)
C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.05\bin with the executable at the end of that line.


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