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Export gradient from svg file to ggr

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This simple program pulls definitions gradients created in a file. Svg Inkscape and converts them into files gimp gradients GGR. You can just drag the icon svg file an application, which will export the gradients to the files in the program folder, or run the application by clicking on it twice, and acting in accordance with the instructions.

If you want to do your own linear gradient, just download and install Inkscape from the website: do in it several objects with different gradients, save the file on disk and use the attached application to export gradients to the ggr file.

grExample.jpg43.11 KB
ExportGradientFromSVGToGGR.zip157.52 KB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


Have you asked Ziomioslaw if he could compile this for Ubuntu?

I sent a question to Ziomioslaw about this, but now everything rests in his hands (unless someone else is found, who knows how to recompile included file with source code)

I used to write my own SVG gradient files now i can just drag and drop them. :)

One problem - i drop the gradient file(SVG) into the console window and all is good...when i hit enter an error in another language pops up. :)

There are tree possible errors:
ERROR No. 1: Caused by the human factor: wrong path to the file svg
ERROR No. 2: something wrong with the file
ERROR No. 3: Could not find the declaration of gradients

1 - the path is correct (to the svg file)
2 - the svg file works fine in Gimp as an SVG gradient
3 - do you mean i have to tell the console where to place the new GGR file?
I thought the program automatically put the GGR file it creates in the gimp-2.0/share/gimp/2.0/gradients folder?

1) well in console program I cant use a space in the path to the file (maybe this is a problem), if that then better grab the svg file and drop them on my application icon that resolve this problem.
3) If you dont grab and drop svg file on application icon then You mast type localization of svg file, but You cant use space

Program make ggr file in aplication localization for example: if my program is located in C:\new folder\ExportGradientFromSVGToGGR.exe then ggr files are created in C:\new folder\

You must throw created files ggr into the folder gimp-2.0/share/gimp/2.0/gradients folder

I placed the program direcrly into C:\ directory so now it resides here

I opened the program and dragged this svg gradient onto the top of the console.
And got this error.
Failed to load \SVGGradients\MyWhiteToBlueFireGrad.svg

Image example

What my console says -
PL: Program ExportGradientFromSVGToGGR utworzony przez
Krzysztofa Zajaczkowskiego przeznaczony do automatycznego eksportu
gradientow zapisanych w pliku svg.

Program dostepny do uzytku komercyjnego jak i niekomercyjnego,
bez zadnych ograniczen.
Licencja: GPL

EN: Program ExportGradientFromSVGToGGR made by Krzysztof Zajaczkowski
designed to automatically export gradient stored in the svg file.

Program available for commercial use and not commercial
without any restrictions.
License: GPL


PL: Podaj, jesli laska lokalizacje i nazwe pliku svg, z ktorego program wyeksportuje gradienty
do plikow zapisanych w folderze programu (nie uzywaj spacji):
EN: Enter, if grace location and file name for svg, whose program will export the gradients in
to the files stored in the program folder (do not use spaces)C:\SVGGradients\myWhiteToBlueFireG

Strange, it this happens with any file or only width this one. Honestly I dont know what is causing this situation, it seems that loading file system function failed for unknown reasons. Can you send the file you are trying to upload my address, or check whether the program may work correctly with the file on another computer? This error throws the system when the system function can not execute at all of the task. Perhaps you have a fire wall that blocks access to file (in this moment I can not guess the other reason of this situation).

Also I forgot to write that file must be stored in Inkscape SVG format (other formats can saved definitions gradients data in to the file in a different way).

to your email.
Here are the contents of it.I wrote the SVG file myself so that is probably why your program will not convert it.
In fact all my SVG gradients are hand written by myself.

< defs >
< linearGradient id="myWhiteToBlueFireGrad" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%" >
< stop offset="0%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,255,255);
stop-opacity:1" />
< stop offset="25%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,240,0);
stop-opacity:1" />
< stop offset="50%" style="stop-color:rgb(245,125,0);
stop-opacity:1" />
< stop offset="75%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,0,0);
stop-opacity:1" />
< stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:rgb(0,10,195);
stop-opacity:1" />
< /linearGradient >
< /defs >

Maybe you could fix the program so that your program excepts user written SVG gradients? :)

It has already been done, but before you drop file written by you file must be open in Inkscape and save as, so that the program changed the formatting of text in the svg file, according to his way of writing


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