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Colors and grain

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leon-grain-colors.scm1.36 KB
leon-grain-colors-slow.scm1.64 KB

This is a very simple script for method of image processing othen used by myself - splitting picture into a two assembled layers: colors and grain. This gives us a very lot of capabilities of changing picture without making a hard artefacts inside it.

You can read more about the script, with a sample of use here:

p.s. i'm also add a second version - for a slow machines; it do same thing, but by the little diffrent way.

p.p.s. i'm add second tutor, about the people face skin cleaning with this script.

p.p.p.s. added new tutor on the old photo details restoring:

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


отлично Leon. I like the script very much and it saves me a lot of time. Thank you very very much

спасибо большое :)
glad to listen :)

Cool idea for a script, and works well

Great script. Love the results I get on cleaning up images. Thanks, Leon!

When you mention finger tool in the explanation on how to use the script, are you talking about smudge tool? I tried that but didn't quite get the same effect. Could you elaborate a little more on the steps you used?



I am using his picture to explain, not my own. If you copy and paste his image example on the website, run his script, switch to the color layer, and then using smudge, click from outside the area of the man and move the brush into the area of the man, you'll notice right off what happens. Do one half from the right side, then switch to the left side and repeat. When you are satisfied, move to the grain layer and use the clone tool to clean up.

Okay, I got to the grain layer, but there I try to use clone tool but the tool doesn't work, I get the little restricted symbol, the circle with the slash through the center saying I can't use the tool there.

You have to hold down CTRL and click on an area to clone to set the clone brush.

Well, do I feel like homer. Eight years using gimp and still learning something new every day. Thanks Mahvin. Never liked cloning, but this may prove useful.

Result looks good and technique very promising. Will give your Script-fu a workout later. Thanks. :)

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