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Export as SVG

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I have modified 'Export Layers as PNG' script of Chris Mohler to generate a svg file beside exporting pngs. It can also create Inkscape layers.

For installation and other tips please look at 'Export Layers as PNG' page:

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GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


Why was SVG not included in 2.8 natively?

Cool ;) Gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling when one of mine gets extended...

Could be useful for vectorizing - I'll give it a go then next time I have a few traces to do.

Super - freu

But in reality this plug-in has nothing about scaling. It just puts links and coordinates of layers to a svg file. It's inkscape who scales bitmaps. I believe you would get similar result if you just scale in gimp. Also you can try to open images with inkscape (which will create an svg file with the image).

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