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Copyright text batch

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A batch version of copyright text made by EG

You can call this script in batch mode, after copying it in ~/gimp-2.6/scripts

gimp -b '(VB-Copyright-batch "file-name" "Text-copyright" "Font" color position)' -i -b '(gimp-quit 0)'
Color : 0 - gray
1 - black
2 - white
Position : 0 - Bottom right
1 - Bottom left
2 - Bottom center
3 - Top right
4 - Top left
5 - Top center
6 - Image center

run examples :

gimp -b '(VB-Copyright-batch "img.JPG" "\302\251 - 2010 VB" "Arial" 2 1)' -i -b '(gimp-quit 0)'
gimp -b '(VB-Copyright-batch "*.JPG" "\302\251 - 2010 VB" "Arial" 2 1)' -i -b '(gimp-quit 0)'
gimp -b '(VB-Copyright-batch "*.*" "\302\251 - 2010 VB" "Arial" 2 1)' -i -b '(gimp-quit 0)'

VB-Copyright-batch.scm4.38 KB
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