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B&P Glossy Button 01

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[UPDATE: 2012 APR 29]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Plugin was updated to work with Gimp 2.7+
Visit home page for details.
A glossy Web 2.0 style button generator for GIMP.
Built and tested with GIMP 2.6.

Requires a Python module for GIMP.

Generate a glossy button using a set of parameters: dimensions, shadow, color, text, button states etc.

More info at


To install, unzip to:
C:/Program Files/GIMP-2.0/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins

Once installed, you will find the plugin under:
File > Create > Web Page Themes >

glossy_btn_01.zip8.98 KB
GIMP Version: 
Code License: 


The plugin was updated to work with GIMP 2.7 API(2.8 not tested).
Replaced deprecated functions, added support for layer groups. Visit home page and look for version 1.2 of this script.

excellent addition to Gimp. Nice plug-in, i had a lot of fun playing with all its settings.
Very nice - thank you.

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