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Stars in the sky

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starsinthesky.scm1.36 KB

This script-fu makes a sky with millions sparkling stars in a new layer. The layer's dimensions, the star's spikes' length and the flare intensity can be changed. The script is based on this tutorial.
This script is useful for create Space Art images, because the stars are convincing.
Good creating !

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GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


It would be better if you add (gimp-display-flush) at script end. Anyway it's good script. Thanks.

where can i find this script? i copied the script in \GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\scripts directory, but unable to find it on the GIMP

I found the feature under the "Filters" menu in the submenu "Space Art".

I usually fake it with Color noise followed by one or two passes of GIMP's Sparkle filter, but this Script-fu looks cool. Might give it a try later. Thanks for it. :)

me 2 it works wonders

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