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hdroberts-postcard.scm4.81 KB

Creates the effect of a vintage postcard or greeting card using floral type images, possibly others.
Script will be found at Filter->Artistic->Postcard.

Translated to The Gimp from the Photoshop tutorial found at

I am presently teaching myself Scheme and Script-Fu, and this script is a learning experience for me-- YMMV. Let me know if it does, and I'll see what I can do about it.

NOTE: Big shout out to Elsamuko for incorporating the EG Shadow Recovery script to make the script work as I envisioned.

Shadow Recovery can be found here:

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


I like using this with higher resolution images with the exception that the final result (regardless of opacity setting) tends to be too faded. It needs more color vibrancy, imho. So, I tend to overlay a rendered image over the top of the original and fade the opacity a smidge.

Mahvin, I'm glad you like using this script, and appreciate you taking the time to say so.

As for the color vibrancy, the Edge Level is set to a very moderate amount by default. Have you tried setting it much higher? I set it to 10 nearly every time I use it, and that can make the color more dramatic. Boosting the Shadow Recovery up to 100 can make a difference as well.

But, in general, the faded look was actually what I was after, as in this image

To keep the script flexible for a broader range of uses, though, I'll certainly consider adding an option to boost the color, some how, when I update this script.

Thank you for trying out my script and giving me some good feedback.


First thing I noticed was I didn't have Shadow Recovery loaded, yet your script still ran and didn't give me any indication that it required it. So, I just uploaded the Shadow Recovery script and it made a huge difference in output. I was quite impressed with the results. Was this normal for the script? Should it have stopped working if it didn't find the Shadow Recovery script?

EDIT: It took me a bit to figure out you had updated the script, and I was using the older version. I have since downloaded both the updated postcard script and shadow recovery and it works splendidly! Thanks for sharing this. :)

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