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Exact Aligner

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exact-aligner.scm6.74 KB

This script brings 2 pictures to an exact overlap.
The pictures must be in 2 different layers of the same image.
Get the layer 2 with 50% transparency. This makes both pictures visible in one projection.
You have to tell the script, which 2 points have to overlap. Therefore you stroke a path with a path tool in the image including 4 points. Point 1 will be aligned with point 3 and point 2 will be aligned with point 4.
The points build one path. So you can just click the 4 points consecutively.
More description is in the file.
For a short, quick and dirty video demonstration, please see

Have some
Volker Tries
(c) 2009

Code License: 
GIMP Version: 
Scripting Engine: 


First of all, it works great. See my blog for how I used it to play around with some HDR techniques: ​

Anyway, a few comments on how to get the best out of this script:
- Make sure you pick two points far away from each other on the photo for the best alignment
- 3 is mapped to 1, 4 is mapped to 2, and it matters what order your layers are in; in other words, if you are aligning more than one image, as I had to, pay careful attention and put the two layers being manipulated (technically only one) at the top of all the other layers

Good work on this plugin. I will edit this comment if I think of other ways to clarify this plugin's use.

Big thanks for this script !

I use it a lot for coloring a cartoon (like this :, cause I use two scans : one with the drawing, and an another with the drawing and shadow zones)...good too for help in photomontages.
A great work !

Un grand merci pour le script !

Je l'utilise beaucoup pour colorier une BD, utilisant deux scans : un avec le dessin, l'autre avec le dessin et les ombrages...très bon aussi pour donner une base pour les photomontages.
Superbe travail !

Thanks again/merci encore.

Cordialement / kind regards.

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