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Sprite tape

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Sprite tape

This small script create sprite "tape" (which are used as resources in 2D games) from separate images.

For using this script you must copy file in your Gimp python scripts directory (GIMP-2.0\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins for example), run Gimp, open your first frame of sprite tape, then using image menu: File->Open as layers open all other frames. After that using image menu Python-Fu->Sprites->Sprite tape launch the my script and input how many sprites will be placed in horisontal and vertical positions. Press Ok button!

  • Excuse for mine bad English...
  • AttachmentSize
    sprite_tape.py969 bytes
    Code License: 
    Scripting Engine: 



    thank you for your script! I will not expend a lot of time with my sprites!

    sorry too for my english and regards from Madrid

    Please do assign a proper license statement to your script.
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