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Fx-Foundry Scripts Pack

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FX-Foundry project is constantly updating custom scripts for each major Gimp release.

Last pack contain more then 100 scripts updated for gimp 2.6
In case you do not need such huge pack you may also search (for category, name, author's name etc) and download single scripts.
Note that many scripts included are not listed in this registry, before ask in this or other gimp forum help to update some old script you may better check on FX-Foundry ,good chances was already updated

(I will have preferred let Alexia Death ,the project 's leader, describe with her words, but time is passing by and this new here is still missed ... )

last script pack for gimp 2.6

To browse/download the scripts by several indexes

Code License: 
Scripting Engine: 
GIMP Version: 


Deutsche Beschreibung FX-Foundry Script Pack - German description FX-Foundry Script Pack

A German description for all FX-Foundry Scripts you will find here:

Eine deutsche Beschreibung aller FX-Foundry Scripte findet ihr hier:

Loves from Germany


FX-Foundry->Shapes->Make a Star

Fails fabulously to make a star.
It does nothing of the kind.

I'm using gimp 2.6 on ubuntu 9.10. And, when I use that script, I get a beautiful, dark watercolour washed texture.
This happened to be just what I need for creating paper or canvas textures. But, I see no stars.

NIce tip

From your descrition seems a cool effect i will run to download the script before somebody will ruin everything with a a fix

For the star I use a cool "astronomy" plugin (listed here Keywork search for "astronomy" ) to create stars and galaxies...i found it perfect for the task

but i may like a script that creates "beautiful, dark watercolour washed texture." even if are created by mistake

if is a good mistake i can rename the script and menu name in "watercoulor-washed-texturizer"

Do you know that even the toilet paper was invented by mistake ?
( when making normal paper for a error a needed process was skipped
but before to put everything in a waste container they attempt a practical use..and get millionair )

very useful stuff! INSTALLATION/FINDING Scripts we've had troubles finding the scripts after install in case others have the same trouble: example: (1) download dracula script fu from (2) put it in the correct script folder (you find the correct folder in the "preferences" of the GIMP) (3) FILTERS - SCRIPT FU - REFRESH SCRIPTS to find the dracula script (that's where we had some troubles) and use it: (4) FILE - CREATE - FX Foundry - LOGOS - DRACULA

The problem with this collection is, that it contains old versions of scripts (mine at least, egger-*), which have been updated a long time ago in the registry. So I suggest you go through this collection and include the latest releases or (better, IMHO) remove scripts, which are available in the registry.

Thank for the heads up but i can't help i just reported the new of the project , i am not the maintainer. You should advice the FX Foundry forum ( or Alexia Death on the gimp IRC ) Anyway time ago i noticed and reported there others issues with some scripts and all was fixed in a very short time
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